Digital transformation enables companies to expand their capabilities and reach, as well as maximize the value chains associated with assets and operations. Key technologies such as cloud computing, industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), artificial intelligence, and augmented and virtual reality are transforming traditional industrial operations. These innovations provide unprecedented potential for business growth. But they also bring new risks to the modern enterprise, such as cybersecurity and data privacy. Still, digital transformation in the manufacturing industry is a strong trend.
Cloud technologies are becoming more and more popular in various spheres of life and many industries. In recent years, cloud-based medical information systems have experienced a splash of attention. According to experts, the industry of cloud solutions for healthcare can grow by more than $25 billion in the coming years.
Technologies that seemed like science fiction just a few years ago are now becoming a tool that doctors can use or will use in the next few years. What is future medicine, and what can we expect very soon? And what is the role of intelligent automation in healthcare? Let’s discuss.
The 2022 year was a year of challenges for everybody, including eCommerce business. Difficult ones. At the same time, it has indicated new eCommerce trends and provided people with some valuable lessons on how one should run his/her eCommerce business including managing eCommerce website and choosing the best eCommerce platforms. It does not mean that people should put efforts in their digital business only, but should also remember about classical brick-and-mortar stores and offices. Like all good and bad things, 2023 is coming to end end, and just in a couple of weeks, we will enter a new 2024 year and try to do e-commerce business smarter.